Are you financially prepared for a critical illness diagnosis?

Critical Illness Benefit

The unfortunate reality is too many people discover that after a critical illness diagnosis their primary health insurance wasn't adequate inadequate, resulting in a large financial burden left directly on their shoulders. The main objective of a Critical Illness benefit is to reduce the financial stress. These policies pay cash benefits directly to the client, upon the diagnoses of a covered condition. This benefit money can be used for anything. Whether it’s to pay for out-of-network medical costs, travel requirement for further treatment, experimental treatment not covered by conventional health insurance or to pay your bills (groceries, mortgage, health insurance premium, etc.) - you decide how to use the money.

Beyond the most commonly occurring critical illness such as Cancer, Heart Attack and Strokes, today’s typical plans cover a much more broad range of critical illnesses such as: Alzheimer’s Disease, Heart Attack, Kidney Failure, Blindness, Cancer, Major Organ Transplant, Stroke, Coma, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Coronary Artery Bypass and much more...

The benefit amount is up to you, you get to decide what your family needs to maintain financial stability.


  • Different insurers may offer varying levels of coverage, based on number of critical illnesses, types of critical illness and/or stages of critical illness.

  • A longer coverage term can become increasingly valuable on the back of rising retirement age and life expectancy in the U.S..

  • There is an industry accepted 5-year recovery period for critical illnesses you should cover for as well as to seek treatments and hire help around the house.

  • It is important to find a balance between how much coverage you need and how much premiums you can afford. If budget is a concern, getting less than the recommended coverage is better than no coverage.

  • Many carriers offer customers a holistic health and wellness program, personal medical case management, and on-demand telemedicine services.

Are you protected in the event of an accident?

Accident Protection Benefit

Accidents happen when you least expect them: At home, at work, while playing, or even while traveling… Did you know in 2023, unintentional injuries or accidents were the third leading cause of death accounting for an estimated 146,571 deaths with over 39.0 million injury-related emergency room visits. With of over 87% of emergency claims being injury related. You can't afford to not be covered.

Accident protection can be in the form of a stand alone policy or added to a base health insurance plan to ensure maximum protection.

This coverage is designed to fill the void in coverage in the case of an emergency visit by providing a indemnity dollar amount to offset deductibles, large copays or out of pocket expenses incurred by the insured.

Disability Income Insurance policies contain some contractual features and optional benefits that may not be available in all states. The ability to perform the substantial and material duties of your occupation is only one of the factors that determine eligibility for disability benefits.

These policies also contain exclusions, limitations and reduction-of-benefit provisions. Issuance of disability income insurance and the coverage amount are subject to application and underwriting. Eligibility for disability income insurance, additional policy benefits and qualification for benefits is determined on a case-by-case basis.